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VGMembershipUserResetPassword Method (String)

Resets a user's password to a new, automatically generated password.

Namespace:  Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.Membership
Assembly:  Novalys.VisualGuard.Security (in Novalys.VisualGuard.Security.dll) Version: 2019.0.101.19 (2019.0.0101.19)
public string ResetPassword(
	string passwordAnswer


Type: SystemString
The password answer for the membership user.

Return Value

Type: String
The new password for the membership user.
NotSupportedExceptionEnablePasswordReset is not set to true.

- or -

The user is not a Visual Guard account.
ArgumentNullExceptionRequiresQuestionAndAnswer is set to true and the passwordAnswer is null.
VGMembershipPasswordExceptionpasswordAnswer is invalid.

- or -

The user account is currently locked out or does not exist.

- or -

The generated password does not pass the password policy validation.

The password answer check is case sensitive. We strongly recommend to store the password answer as a lowered string and provide a lowered value of the password answer when you want to reset the password by using the password question and answer.

            user.ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer(myPassword.Text, newPasswordQuestion.Text, newPasswordAnswer.Text.ToLowerInvariant())
See Also